Friday, August 22, 2008

Da Dum Dadum - The Gown

I know we have written about gown shopping tips in the past, but the newest brides could use a refresher course.
Always remember to:

1.  Make an appointment at the salon of your choice.

2.  Only visit 1 or 2 salons in a day.  It's tiring and you want to be fresh

3.  Set a budget.  The bridal gown consultant will only show you gowns in your budget and you want to avoid sticker shock.

4.  Flip through magazines.  Look around and see what sort of gown you're drawn to - it will help you communicate with your bridal gown consultant.

5.  Be open to suggestions.  Your consultant will have some ideas on what style suits your figure.

6.  Sleep on it.  Once you've chosen a gown take a day to sit with the decision, then place the order for the gown.

7. Don't shop too early.  This is how many two-gown brides are born.  If you'll be engaged for more than a year, wait to go gown shopping.  New styles will come out and your vision of the gown will evolve.